Baby’s First Team
Our Baby’s First Family
This is a family business. It’s been one for more than a hundred years. And we don’t just mean the family you can connect by blood or ancestry – although we are all aware of the responsibility in stewarding one of America’s oldest doll companies, launched by our beloved, Mr. G, back in 1916. No, ours is a family of choice, shared effort, and shared values.
Most of us have worked here for decades. For some of us, it’s been our only job. We share skills and stories and history and the day to day living of our lives. We’ve been there for one another through births and deaths, graduations and weddings and new homes, fires and floods, and the worst and best news from doctors. When one person hurts, the rest of our team makes the effort to help and to heal. And sometimes that effort is immense. But this is a place where caring comes naturally.
No one here has to be reminded that creating thoughtful solutions to the needs of babies and their safety and comfort in play, is what our business is all about. All of us join in the effort to improve the lives of parents by making their challenges a little easier, or a little more satisfying.
We know you want a real person at the other end of the phone when you have a problem. We know you appreciate the fact that we’ve thought about things like safety, and washing, and easy maintenance, when giving you tools to make your babies happier, safer or smarter. We know that our Lifetime Guarantee has made a difference in your trusting us to do the right thing. And every one of us feels pride when a parent or grandparent sends us a story about how one of our dolls has made a difference in their child’s life – or in theirs.
And we know you can buy products from many sources. But we hope you will find our dedication to one another as a mark of our values, matched in our commitment to provide you not just with delightful playthings, but with solutions to many of the challenges you face as you raise happy, healthy children.
This is the team that brought you your doll. We are the Baby’s First family.
Please be in touch. We love hearing from you!
The Team at Baby’s First